
Full Name
Date of Report
Description of Incident (include injuries and damages, if any)
Type of Incident
Location of Incident
Date/Time of Incident
Name of Shell(s)
Individuals Involved
VBR Crew(s) Involved
Injuries Sustained
Incident Details
Shotsi Lajoie
Rowing ing Gifford cut and startled two manatees.
North of Bridge
08/21/2024 12:00 am
Paul Darrel Susan Shotsi
Incident Details
Kat Patrick
Athlete slipped and fell on the wet dock. Her knee locked and over extended, resulting in an injured knee, slightly swollen. She also cut her foot open on the bolts along the top of the dock. Cuts were cleaned and bandaged, with an ice pack supplied for the knee.
08/19/2024 04:30 pm
Nora Bumgarner
High School
Incident Details
Kathleen Gibbons-Worrall
Bow position inexperienced, first time on East side. In the boat were 2 experienced bow people who had been giving her instruction throughout the row. Coach had the responsibility of a single who needed 1:1 assist throughout the row. Coach provided instruction for boat position prior to starting back to BH. Bow seat was concerned about a motor boat coming up river in the channel instead of listening to coached instruction. The entire way up river she overcorrected her steering requiring 2-3-4 seat to position boat with oar pressure. She did not consistently take the time to look behind (both ways) without being instructed to do so throughout the row. Subsequently as we began our practice piece South she over corrected and when 2 seat looked around we were headed into a pylon at the mouth of the cut and were not able to correct in time. The port side of the boat between 1 seat and the bow ball bumped the pylon ( 2 scratches seen on port side). No one was injured, no oars were broken. Coach James helped instruct bow seat on how to safely remove us from the pylon. CONCERNS: Bow seat is extremely hard of hearing, requiring 2 seat to frequently turn to provide instruction. Bow does not understand the enormity of the responsibility of bowing (more interested in wanting to do fun drills on the way up). Bow reaction time is slow. There does not appear to be any understanding of the need to know wind direction and where the boat should be positioned b/c of it (too close to the shoreline when we were dealing with a west wind). I would be concerned if this individual was ever bow certified because of the observations mentioned above. Coach James had his eye on us the entire row, however he had someone in a single that was also demonstrating difficulty maintaining a safe distance from potential hazards and he couldn't be two places at once. It would have been unsafe to attempt to keep the 2 boats together with their inexperience.
Damaged Equipment, Safety
07/11/2024 08:20 am
Paul Walsh Susan Edge Kathleen Gibbons-Worrall Barbara Mercer
Incident Details
Mack Hiden
The Acta non Verba, with 6 adult LTR attendees and 3 volunteers, launched with James. About 20' later, I got a call saying they were pinned to the wooden walls/railings that line the channel as it crosses underneath the bridge. No injuries were sustained nor was there any damage to any equipment. Upon my arrival, the boat was quickly maneuvered away from the obstacle, taken south through the channel where it was turned around and taken in, escorted closely by James and myself. Some minor scrapes were suffered by 4 seat, whose foot slipped off the dock when she was getting in initially; they were quickly and easily bandaged upon her return.
North of Bridge
06/20/2024 06:20 pm
Acta non Verba
James Murphy Barbara Mercer Susan Chirico Beth Munz 6 LTR athletes; Ana, Kristin, Megan, 3 names unknown Mack Hiden
Incident Details
James Murphy
The double was traveling on the eastern shore to avoid the high performance camp. Bow seat was advised of where to be to keep the boat safe. Double was clear of cable crossing sign then all of a sudden went straight to it. Not sufficient time to react and stop boat. Upon hitting the sign, starboard side rigger sheared off of itself at the weld. Hull intact. No injuries sustained.
Damaged Equipment
Johns Island
06/11/2024 08:00 am
Mc 2x with cheese
Bow seat was John Miller. Unsure of stroke seats name.
Incident Details
Julio Sanchez
VVV hits the 3rd. mark to the north on the west side and bow oars (private) got broken.
Damaged Equipment
North of Bridge
04/18/2024 06:15 am
Julio Sanchez, Robert, Heidi, Karen Meredith, Karen Coomey.
Incident Details
Madison Waddle
Masters LTR flipped Osprey. 3 new rowers, 1 experienced bow, 1 experienced coxswain. Had 1 coaching launch with them with 1 new coach (Roger), and 2 volunteers (Barb M. and Diane N.). The boat was only rowing by pairs at arms & body. The rowers in the boat were moving the boat faster than expected. Someone caught a crab and the boat flipped quickly. Charlie struggled to get his feet out at first, but was able to get them out without assistance. After all the athletes were holding onto the boat and safe, but still in the water, Coach Madison arrived to assist. No injuries. All athletes were able to get back into the boat with guidance.
North of Bridge
02/08/2024 10:30 am
Coach - Roger Granger Volunteers in launch - Barb M. and Diane N. LTR athletes - Charlie, George, and Darrell LTR volunteers in boat - Gunnar and Rachel Coach in second launch - Madison
Incident Details
Todd A Young
The two doubles were approaching each other, and they collided. The Tenacity was a bit farther away from the west shore as it should have been for this traffic pattern. I did not see this incident, but I did hear it. I went over to the boy's boat first since they were closer to me, to see if they were ok or not. Both boys said they were injured. Corwin said his oar hit him the head and Ben said the Tenacity bow rigger hit him on his left arm. Ben said his arm hurt so I had him get in my launch and I gave him an ice pack. Jet was riding with me in the launch, so I had him take Bens's seat in the boat. to help Corwin row back. I then went to see how the girls were. They said they were not injured, so they rowed back to the dock. FYI. Prior to this incident I had to warned both boats to watch where they are going. Both boats came close to other passing boats earlier in this same practice. I think it is about 60/40 fault. All boats are responsible to watch where they are going. Boat Damage: Tenacity. The boat as a bent back stay on the port side of the bow rigger. Skadoosh. The boat has a damage Splash Guard.
Damaged Equipment, Injury
North of Bridge
02/13/2024 05:25 pm
Tenacity & Skadoosh
Zadie Diniz (Bow) & Liliana Elliott (Strok) in the Tenacity Corwin Stoddard (Bow) & Ben Powers (Strok) in the Skadoosh
High School
Incident Details
Mack Hiden
While wet docking(due to dredging), Bianca Penalva sliced her toe on an oyster under the water.
01/30/2024 05:45 am
Bianca Penalva
High School
Incident Details
Julie McCusker
As also reported by Kathy Gibbons-Worrall. unsafe practice exiting the boat. Not waiting for commands. Oblivious to proper procedure The double was not carried properly. entered the boathouse the wrong way. Nobody was giving commands, very sloppy proper attention not given to the procedure until Kathy and I stepped in to instruct on the proper procedure for putting away the boat.
Safety, Policy
Boat Yard
01/18/2024 12:00 am
Friends and double
Julie McCusker Kathy Gibbons-Worrall Had to give instruction on procedure to Sandy F Maria C Barbara M Cheri A
Incident Details
Kathleen Gibbons-Worrall
Multiple incidents of unsafe practices by Masters Members upon returning to dock/BH. In Friends a member stepping out of boat bf command was given, taking dockside oars out before everyone has removed waterside oars, talking while carrying the boat, have the boat having boat to shoulder before command had been given to show heads and go down to shoulders. While moving boat to rack have the members were down to waist without instruction to do so. each item was addressed by myself and Julie Mc Cusker. People are NOT following protocol to safely move boats. Observed a double being moved into BH with the same issues, no one in that boat had taken responsibility to call commands and so one was at waist another at shoulders, they did not know how to slant the boat to avoid riggers on the boat above and a 3rd person “trying to help” was in the way and making things worse. There is an accident waiting to happen here.
Boat Yard
01/18/2024 09:00 am
Myself, Julie Mc Cusker (both observing and attempting to mentor) Sandy F, Maria C, Barb M, Cheri
Incident Details
Mack Hiden
Mindy Weschler appears to have experienced a TIA while stretching after today's morning lift session. I was in the bathroom, came out and sat at my desk to receive a call from Patty Gleason alerting me to the situation. Mindy was already in Karen Soleau's car by the time I went out to check on her, they explained what had happened and that she was going to the Cleveland Clinic.
Boathouse Upstairs
11/15/2023 09:00 am
Mindy Weschler, Karen Soleau
Incident Details
Madison Waddle
While carrying the Iron Mike down to launch for Junior HP practice, Hunter C. fell on the metal ramp of the dock. He skinned his knee. The boat was undamaged. He did not complain of any additional pain. He used a bandage from the first aid kit in launch 5, and proceeded with practice as normal.
06/22/2023 07:00 am
Iron Mike
Hunter C.
High School
Incident Details
Madison Waddle
During a Junior LTR Camp, a camper was rowing normally when the foot stretcher popped out of the boat. We were unable to reconnect the foot stretcher tube ends onto the foot stretcher while on the water. We were able to take the rower out of the boat and replace her with an experienced varsity rower to row the boat back to the dock. No pieces are missing. Possible solution - glue the ends into the tube. 2nd report on shell - there are two small holes in the hull of the boat that are causing the boat to take on water. After 2 practices on the water in a row, the boat needed to be drained quite a bit.
Damaged Equipment
06/20/2023 09:00 am
Black Star
Madison, Lilliana (rowed boat back), Adriana (LTR camper who popped foot stretcher out).
High School
Incident Details
Madison Waddle
During Tuesday Masters Performance practice, a single red/blue/red oar was found in the mangroves near the dock. It was unclear at the time how long it had been there. At the end of morning practices on Tuesday, it was discovered that the oars' partner was missing. The mangroves surrounding the dock area were inspected, and no oar was found. On Wednesday morning, the missing oar appeared in the boatyard. We suspect that someone found the oar in the water, and kindly tossed it into our yard. There was no damage to the oars.
06/20/2023 05:45 am
Oars - Red/Blue/Red Sculling oars (1 pair)
Incident Details
Madison Waddle
A storm with high winds came in right after the 6-8pm Master's LTR. The 2 launches were on the dock with the plugs out. The wind blew the launches off of the docks. Launch 6 was blown between the dock and the shore. It was pulled out of the muck on Friday morning, drained, and cleaned. It did not have any issues running. Julio's launch was blown to the east boat ramp. Julio was able to tie the launch to the ramp over night, but the plug was out. The next morning, there was roughly 6in of water and sediment in the stern of the boat, soaking the battery box. The launch ran fine for the practice, but the battery appeared dead when we tried to raise the motor at the end of the practice. Both launches should be in the yard, and both were cleaned out.
Damaged Equipment
06/15/2023 08:00 pm
Launch 6 & Julio's Launch
Madison and Julio. Lilliana helped to pull Launch 6 onto the dock.
Incident Details
Mack Hiden
One of the upstairs barbells is noticeably bent. Some heavy deadlifting was performed yesterday evening and I suspect that's when the bar became bent. No injuries were sustained nor was the equipment misused. The bar might have been slowly bending through regular use, but it is now significantly bent.
Damaged Equipment, Safety
Boathouse Upstairs
05/24/2023 08:30 am
Noah, James, Austin were lifting yesterday afternoon
Incident Details
Bill Kloppenburg
Quad heading south towards bridge in the minimum wake zone veered into the IWC across the path of a powerboat that did not slow down. Powerboat took evasive maneuver and passed to starboard of shell.
North of Bridge
05/22/2023 08:30 am
Friends or VVV
Maggie, Melissa, Eileen, and Allison
Incident Details
Julio Sanchez
Boats were sent out with 11miles lighting moving away from the boathouse. Coach Julio Sanchez thought the threshold was 10miles distance instead of 15miles. All boats got safe to the dock and lighting at that time was 19miles away.
Policy, Safety
North of Bridge
04/25/2023 05:00 pm
Julio Sanchez
Coach Julio, coach Mack, Mason Brown, Hunter Coughlin, Alessio Mazzi, Aidan Powers, Austin Keith, Jac Putman, James Murphy, Gaven Sullivan, Max Zych, Samara Coakley, Zadie Diniz, Kieko Coughlin, Daniela Sonzini, Liliana Elliot, Jude Steinkamp, Salma Sturgell, Ben Powers, Ethan Brown, Wyatt Barton, Corwin Stoddard, Addison Ames and Nora Bumgarner.
High School
Incident Details
Steven Hill
I was bow in VVV heading north on west side of the channel. We were almost last to launch, so passing returning traffic heading south was expected. We passed two singles (port to port) about 3k into our row. The singles had good distance from the shore and from us, and we were well out of the channel, so I felt we were all in our proper lanes. More returning skulls heading south were expected so I continued to look often. Somehow I did not see George in the founder with pontoons. I don’t think he saw me either because there was no warning or yell before impact. We collided port side and the boats came to a stop.. First made sure we were all OK, then checked boats for damage and separated. Our port side oars hitting each other’s boats and equipment is what stopped us. I was worried my port oar hit George in his back, but he said it didn’t. We were able to continue with our session and I gave both boats and George a closer look during boat wash. I couldn’t find any significant damage. There are probably new scratches on both boats. I noticed founder’s bow ball is loose, but there’s already a screw holding it on. George and I talked and agreed we need to look more often, but as the more experienced rower, I should have seen him first. I now realize although I am more comfortable looking over my left shoulder, it makes more sense to look over my right if I’m expecting traffic from the other direction and we want to pass port to port. If I had looked over my right, this probably would’ve been avoided. I understand how close this was to head on collision without warning, and can imagine how bad that could be. I’ve always thought of myself as very safety oriented and well aware of my surroundings so this really surprised me. I’m proud of the progress I’ve made with this sport since starting a year ago, but I may have gotten over confident and almost paid dearly. I’m very grateful for this lesson and I’ll be looking over left AND right shoulders from now on!
Safety, Damaged Equipment
04/23/2023 08:00 am
VVV, Founder w/ pontoons
Steve Hill- bow vvv Steven Fuller Joerg-uwe Szipl Kevin Coughlin George Lipscomb - flounder with pontoons
Incident Details
Mary Keever
In preparing Cerulean for rowing, it was noticed that a few wing nuts were missing from the foot stretchers. This was resolved but after launch I noticed that the boat was quite difficult to steer. In the harbor I found that the boat was skewing to port and mostly unresponsive to the steering mechanism. My toe couldn't go all the way to the left and also I noticed a kink in the steering cable which seemed to be keeping the cable from sliding all the way to the right. At about 1000 meters out, we realized that the end of the steering cable was trapped under the rigging. We eventually turned around and returned to the dock without incident by rowing mostly on port and occasionally checking on starboard. After the boat was back in the boathouse, Julio fixed the trapped steering cable and also tightened the cable so it moved more freely to both sides.
Boat Bays
04/18/2023 07:30 am
Mary Keever, Suzy Stoeckel, Terry Leonard, Rachel Lipscomb
Incident Details
Julie McCusker
As described above
First Aid Kit
04/10/2023 12:00 am
Abigail Goldsmith
Incident Details
Robert Snyder
Hole in drywall from lower stairwell door opening too far. /Users/bysnyder/Desktop/IMG_2643.jpg
Damaged Facility
04/10/2023 ????????? 12:00 am
Unknown at this time.
High School, Middle School, Masters, Visiting
Incident Details
Mary Keever
The Terry Ryan has a two-inch-ish scratch on the bottom, closer to the bow. I'm pretty sure we scraped the boat against the rigging of the boat above as we removed the TR from the rack in preparation for rowing.
Damaged Equipment
Boat Bays
02/23/2023 07:30 am
Terry Ryan
Mary Keever, Nancy - a visitor from Rochester, NY
Incident Details
April Modrzakowski
Carrying my 1x to dock, like any other morning. Slipped on ramp and fell. Immediate visible injury to my left knee. Small but deepish scrape was bleeding. Below my knee was a bruise or surface scrape. Pain is in both knees & elbows, and lower back/side. My 1x, as far as we could tell, had no damage. All persons helped with inspection.
Injury, Safety
02/10/2023 07:20 am
Suzy S, Tom & Suzy Dorrance, Susan Edge, Cheri, Francine all came to my aid.
Incident Details
James Michael
I went upstairs into the boathouse and about 22 students were working out/ goofing off upstairs with no supervision.Shotsi happened to walk upstairs and witnessed the same behavior. At one point Shotsi told a group of them to knock off their behavior when she witnessed them misusing equipment. Mack eventually came upstairs. Mack told me he was supposed to be the one providing supervision but was pulled aside to speak with a rower (Salma). While that is good I think it left several kids unsupervised for an extended period of time.
Boathouse Upstairs
02/08/2023 06:15 pm
22 high school students (I believe Varsity) Shotsi, Jimmy, Mack
High School
Incident Details
Shotsi Lajoie
Bolts lose on all riggers. 2 seat bolts fell out when we took it out at the dock , 2 seat bolts fell on the dock on port side.
02/07/2023 12:00 am
Shotsi, Chris Ryan, Jimmy Michael and John Watt. John put them back in found nuts. John mentioned all bolts we lose.
Incident Details
Abbilyn Moyer
In front of Gifford Cut, closer to the boathouse. Toffey was rowing back towards the boathouse and Cerulean was rowing out. Both boats did not see the other, and while they attempting to avoid the collision, they hit on starboard sides. Bow seats oar from the 8+, in an attempt to duck out of the way, hit Mason in the back of the head. I took Mason out of the boat and he rode in the launch back to the dock. He said he was shaking and his head hurt, but after asking concussion like symptoms, he had no headache, blurriness/dizziness, or nausea. To my knowledge, there were no damages to the boats.
Gifford Cut
02/06/2023 05:00 pm
Toffey and Cerulean
In the Toffey: (Coxswain --> Bow) Salma, Zadie, Sofi, Lily, Lorelei, KK, Dannie, Liliana In the Cerulean: (Bow to Stroke) Ethan, Corwin, Ethan, and I don't remember stroke I'm sorry!!
High School
Incident Details
James Michael
When we discussed in the operations meeting Gus thought the term Violation was too strong. Can we change Policy Violation to Policy and Safety Threat to Safety. Should Damages Sustained change to Equipment Damage?
, , Other
Boat Bays
02/05/2023 08:20 am
Test people
High School, Masters
Incident Details